Grab Color Palette from Images with useImageColor Hook in React

useImageColor is a React hook to grab a color palette from images. Render a skeleton color while your original image still loading.

Install & Import:

$ npm i use-image-color --save

Use It As A Hook.

import useImageColor from 'use-image-color'export function Card() {
  const { colors } = useImageColor(url, { 
    cors: true, 
    colors: 5,
    format: 'hex', // or 'rgb'
    windowSize: 50
  return ();

Use It As A Component.

import { Image } from 'use-image-color'export function Card() {
  return (
    <Image src={url} thumbnail={thumbnail} wrapperStyle={styles} wrapperClass={classes} />


Grab A Color Palette From Images With useImageColor

Download Details:


Author: jeffersonlicet

Live Demo: View The Demo

Download Link: Download The Source Code

Official Website:

License: MIT

#react #reactjs 

Grab Color Palette from Images with useImageColor Hook in React
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