Data ethics is important. We’ve all seen notable examples of questionable methodology in data work from invasive approaches to collecting data for facial recognition algorithims to flawed crime data used in predictive policing models, and the problems that can arise from them.

Many of us aren’t anywhere near data like this. But we are still concerned with how the projects we work on can be poorly handled or our findings misinterpreted, both of which can have serious ethical implications.

Thankfully, increasing attention is being paid to ethical approaches in data science and analytics, with exceptional work being undertaken by specialists in multiple fields.

In this post I’ll be covering the ways in which a junior data professional can go about starting conversations around ethical approaches to analytics especially when they have little to no decision-making power in their larger organization.

Whether attempting to address issues with an existing project or proactively seeking to prevent future mishaps, these approaches have proven useful in starting the necessary conversations.

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Practical Data Ethics — How You Can Make Your Data Work More Ethical
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