Query Builder in Laravel

00:00:00 Introduction to Query Builder
00:02:40 Database Configuration
00:03:21 Retrieving All Rows from Table - table Method and get Method (Theory)
00:04:53 Creating Project
00:05:09 Download and Install XAMPP
00:05:56 Run Apache and MySQL
00:06:25 Opening phpMyAdmin
00:06:34 Create Database and Table
00:09:56 Mentioning Database Details in env file
00:10:44 Setting up Project
00:13:36 Retrieving All Rows from Table
00:18:12 Retrieving Single Row/Column from Table
00:19:19 first Method
00:21:03 where clause
00:22:22 value Method
00:23:10 find Method
00:24:14 pluck Method
00:26:28 chunk Method
00:30:55 Aggregates - count
00:32:08 max and min
00:32:57 Determining If Record exists
00:35:48 select Method
00:37:47 distinct Method
00:38:34 where Method
00:42:02 orWhere Method
00:43:38 whereBetween Method
00:44:47 orWhereBetween Method
00:47:03 whereDate Method
00:48:21 whereMonth Method
00:49:35 whereDay Method
00:50:30 whereyear Method
00:51:05 orderBy Method
00:52:46 latest and oldest Method
00:54:12 inRandomOrder Method
00:55:46 groupBy and having Method
00:57:10 Disabling mysql strict mode
00:58:00 take and skip Method
00:59:20 limit and offset Method
01:00:57 insert Method - Insert Data into Table
01:05:28 insertOrIgnore Method
01:07:24 insertGetId Method
01:08:58 update Method - Update Data into Table
01:12:47 updateOrInsert Method
01:18:50 delete Method - Delete Data from Table
01:19:46 truncate Method - Delete All Data from Table

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Query Builder in Laravel
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