Given an array a[] consisting of N integers, the task is to perform the following operations:

  • Select a subsequence and for every pth element of the subsequence, calculate the product p * a[i].
  • Calculate the sum of the calculated values of p * a[i].
  • The subsequence should be selected such that it maximizes the desired sum.


_Input: _N = 3, a[] = {-1, 3, 4}

Output:_ 17_


The subsequence {-1, 3, 4} maximizes the sum = 1(-1) + 2(3) + 3(4) = 17

Input:_ N = 5, a[] = {-1, -9, 0, 5, -7}_

Output:_ 14_


The subsequence {-1, 0, 5} maximizes the sum = 1(-1) + 2(0) + 3(5) = 14

Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution.

**Naive Approach: **The simplest approach to solve the problem is to generate all possible subsequences from the array and calculate the sum for each subsequence. Finally, find the maximum sum.

_Time Complexity: _O(N3)

Auxiliary Space:_ O(N)_

**Efficient Approach: **The above approach can be optimized by using Dynamic Programming. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • For every element, two possibilities exist, that is, either the element is part of the subsequence or is not.
  • Initialize a dp[][] matrix, where dp[i][j] stores the maximum of:
  • Sum generated by selecting a[i] as the jth element of the subsequence, that is:

a[i] * j + maximumSum(j + 1, i + 1)

  • Sum generated by not selecting a[i] as the jth element of the subsequence, that is:

maximumSum(j, i + 1)

  • Therefore, the recurrence relation is:

dp[i][j] = max(a[i] * j + maximumSum(j + 1, i + 1), maximumSum(j, i + 1))

  • Keep updating the dp[][] table by considering the above conditions for each array element and print the maximum sum possible from the entire array.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

  • Java

// Java program to implement

// the above approach

**import** java.util.*;

**public** **class** GFG {

// Function to select the array elements to

// maximize the sum of the selected elements

**public** **static** **int** maximumSum(``**int**``[] a, **int** count,

**int** index, **int** n,

**int**``[][] dp)


// If the entire array

// is solved

**if** (index == n)

**return** 0``;

// Memoized subproblem

**if** (dp[index][count] != -``1``)

**return** dp[index][count];

// Calculate sum considering the

// current element in the subsequence

**int** take_element

= a[index] * count

+ maximumSum(a, count + 1``,

index + 1``, n, dp);

// Calculate sum without considering the

// current element in the subsequence

**int** dont_take

= maximumSum(a, count, index + 1``, n, dp);

// Update the maximum of the above sums

// in the dp[][] table

**return** dp[index][count]

= Math.max(take_element, dont_take);


// Driver Code

**public** **static** **void** main(String args[])


**int** n = 5``;

**int** a[] = { -``1``, -``9``, 0``, 5``, -``7 };

// Initialize the dp array

**int** dp[][] = **new** **int**``[n + 1``][n + 1``];

**for** (``**int** i[] : dp)

Arrays.fill(i, -``1``);

System.out.println(maximumSum(a, 1``, 0``, n, dp));





Time Complexity:_ O(N2)_

Auxiliary Space:_ O(N2)_

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#arrays #dynamic programming #recursion #memoization #subsequence

Maximize the Sum of a Subsequence from an Array based on given conditions
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