So you’ve decided you are interested in starting in a career in tech , congrats!
According to CNBC, there are approximately 700,000 vacant tech jobs in the United States. There is no better time to get started!
Little disclaimer, I have a degree in computer science. However, in every single job I have held — from fullstack web development to research and development — 90% of my coworkers did not have a computer science (or similar) degree. Plus, at my first job out of college as a robotic process automation engineer, less than half of my entire department of engineers had a college degree. The point I am trying to make is: I have seen both sides and usually, honestly, unless you are going for a really fru-fru software engineering job somewhere in Corporate America, it doesn’t matter.

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How to Start Your Career in Tech Without a Computer Science Degree
1.10 GEEK