In this lesson we will look at JSON Web Tokens also called JWTs (pronounced jot).
We will look at the problem they solve and why you should use them.
Then look a few example tokens to understand their structure.
And finally implement a Fullstack #NodeJS #JavaScript application that uses JWTs for auth

In this lesson:
0:00 Guide Sections
0:31 Traditional Sessions
2:07 How JWTs Improve Scalabilty
2:51 JWT Structure
5:30 Example Backend
7:20 Example UI
9:26 Application UX
10:16 Why we need a JWT
10:46 Install JWT API
11:25 Sign JWT
11:40 Verify JWT
12:24 Decode JWT
13:12 Final UX
13:42 Outro

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JWT Complete guide (JSON Web Tokens) - FullStack NodeJS JavaScript
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