As part of my role as a principal communication strategist at an enterprise software company with an open source development model, I publish a regular update about open source community, market, and industry trends for product marketers, managers, and other influencers. Here are three of my and their favorite articles from that update.

As cloud native computing rises, it’s transforming culture as much as code

The time is right for the industry to coalesce around a set of common principles for cloud native computing as many organizations come to the realization that their initial forays into the cloud yielded limited returns. An International Data Corp. survey last year found that 80% of respondents had repatriated workloads back on-premises from public cloud environments and, on average, expect to move half of their public cloud applications to private locations over the next two years.

The impact: The first run at the cloud involved a lot of “lift-and-shift” attempts to pick up workloads and drop them in the cloud. This second run will involve more work to figure out what and how to move, but should ultimately deliver more value as developers get more comfortable with what they can take for granted.

Why automating for cloud native infrastructures is a win for all involved

The holy grail in development is the creation and maintenance of secure applications that yield strong ROI and happy customers. But if this development isn’t efficient, high-velocity and scalable, that holy grail quickly becomes unattainable. If you’ve found yourself expecting more from your current infrastructure, it might be time to consider cloud native. Not only does it check all these boxes, but automating for cloud native infrastractures can improve efficiency and results.

The impact: I’d add to this that truly adopting a cloud-native approach is simply impossible without substantial automation; the number of moving pieces involved is just too high to keep in a human head.


Defining cloud native, expanding the ecosystem
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