Build ReactjS website with GSAP for cool scrolling animations😇

Demo Link🖤:

Hey Guys,

In this video we’re going to build cool Agency Landing page in ReactJS. We will use GSAP for awesome scrolling animations and parallax effects.

Starter-Code Files👇:
Write this whole line in your command Prompt,
git clone --single-branch --branch Starter-code-files

For this project we’re going to use,
▶️ React Hooks
▶️ GSAP for scrolling animations
▶️ Styled-Components
▶️ React-slick for Carousal
▶️ DOM methods

Don’t forget to watch whole videos, we’re going to learn a lot of stuff like,
▶️ React Hooks
▶️ Folder structure for React Projects
▶️ How to create Hamburger Menu with only css
▶️ How we can leverage advantages of component structure
▶️ How to use GSAP in React JS for awesome animations while scrolling
▶️ Many awesome CSS animations


Demo: @0:00:10
Installation & Setup: @0:04:50
Folder Structure: @0:07:40
Header Section (Navigation Bar): @0:19:15
Hero Section : @0:45:36
About Section : @1:16:10
Services Section : @1:37:40
Testimonials Section : @2:04:04
Contact Section & Footer: @2:24:18
ScrollToTop Component : @2:52:40
Testimonials Section : @2:04:04
Adding Gsap Animation in Header and Service Section: @3:01:30

Watch whole video in order to understand so that you can use GSAP freely on your own projects.

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#react #javascript #web-development #node #html #css

React Website🤩 : Build Responsive website with ReactJS, Styled-Components & GSAP❣️
11.85 GEEK