In this video we are building animated add to cart screen for ecommerce apps using flutter. We will use AnimatedList widget for implement add to cart animation and also using Flutter Animation Controller to make animated containers to show cart item information. Finally we implement Drag & Drop feature using LongPressDraggable widget.

Base UI Code:


  • 0:00 Intro
  • 0:28 Setup Project
  • 1:00 Setup Cart Items
  • 1:34 Cart Container
  • 4:55 Animated List for Cart Items
  • 8:08 Calculating Cart Total
  • 9:05 Add To Cart Animation
  • 9:52 Creating PageView for Cart Item Details
  • 13:42 PageView Opener Animation
  • 16:50 Implementing Drag & Drop
  • 20:00 Implementing Drop Zone


Flutter Add Product to Cart animation - Flutter Ecommerce App Part 7 Adding Products To Cart
33.55 GEEK