Have you wanted to cause chaos to test your systems but prefer to use visual tools rather than the terminal? Well, this article is for you, my friend. In the first article in this series, I explained what chaos engineering is; in the second article, I demonstrated how to get your system’s steady state so that you can compare it against a chaos state; and in the third, I showed how to use Litmus to test arbitrary failures and experiments in your Kubernetes cluster.

The fourth article introduces Chaos Mesh , an open source chaos orchestrator with a web user interface (UI) that anyone can use. It allows you to create experiments and display statistics in a web UI for presentations or visual storytelling. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation  hosts the Chaos Mesh project, which means it is a good choice for Kubernetes. So let’s get started! In this walkthrough, I’ll use Pop!_OS 20.04, Helm 3, Minikube 1.14.2, and Kubernetes 1.19.

#kubernetes #open source

Test Your Kubernetes Experiments with an Open Source Web interface
1.15 GEEK