Microservices vs Monolithic Architecture - 7 Things You Need to Know | What Are Microservices | Microservices Explained in 10 Minutes

Going the microservices path is a little different – it’s a much newer approach to how we store and access data. Instead of a single mainframe driving all services in a tightly knit system, we have loosely coupled services responsible for discrete tasks, running separately and communicating with each other through simple application programming interfaces on the back end.

There is no big stacked server, but rather several smaller systems dedicated to a small list of functions. Small segments that make up a collective, a larger whole where all the services eventually function as one overall core process – just like a pie cut into many slices.

The same process can be used in more than one business process, or across multiple channels depending on the need. The fact that services are carried out as standardized application programming interfaces means that the service owners are able to change implementations, modify the systems and change the records without any downstream impact. In short, no “server downtime” during any maintenance or upgrades.

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00:00 - Intro to microservices vs monolithic architecture
02:01 - The deal with monolithic architecture
03:11 - What are microservices
04:26 - Pros of monolithic architecture
05:10 - Cons of monolithic architecture
05:57 - Pros of microservices architecture
07:04 - Cons of microservices architecture
08:02 - The current trend

Website: https://www.kofi-group.com/

Blog article version: https://www.kofi-group.com/microservices-explained-in-10-minutes/

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#microservices #monolithic architecture

Microservices vs Monolithic Architecture - 7 Things You Need to Know
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