Leverage Power of Digital Solutions to Reshape Transport Operations
Adopt Advanced School Transport Management Platform
Efficiently manage school bus transport by providing safe and secure student transport experience through better governance and enhanced brand value.

Educational Institutions
Digitize Daily Transport of Your Staff and Students
Make your institutional transport activities like routing, scheduling, driver, and vehicle tracking efficient by incorporating digital transport solutions.

Transport Providers
Automate The Business Operation and Create Your Transport App
Deliver consistent and cost-effective transportation solutions to your clients by planning, managing, and controlling the daily transport activities.

Redefine Entire Educational Transport Experience Through Digital Solutions
Better transport experience to students, parents and transport providers
Streamline your daily travel plans, routes and maintain the transport data
Capture and analyze the transport data securely with our scalable solution
Monitor and track your entire transport operations anytime
Transparency in communication with all the associated stakeholders
Maximize the value of your resources with robust technology
Eliminate duplication or human errors and automate the process
Implementation & Launch
We build a customizable app model for private and government organizations to create their own version of the educational transportation software solution.

Requirement Analysis
Understand and create an execution plan based on the client’s requirements.

Payments Integration
Built-in support for popular payment gateways with new integration support.

Notifications Integration
Push notifications, email updates and SMS alerts setup.

Analytics Integration
Support for integration with popular analytics platforms.

Deployment Choice
On-premise deployment of the taxi-hailing solution for full data control.

Security Compliance Check
Full data security audit to meet HIPAA and other compliance standards.

App Store Submissions
Successful listing on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Support & Maintenance
Launch a Dedicated and an expert technical support for the smooth operations.

Read More About Educational Transportation Software Solution.

Educational Transportation Software Solution | Mobisoft Infotech
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