In the phase of learning, we start with a simple example. So just think that you are working on the endpoint in data such as age, address, name, Pincode, state, and contact number and the user enters numeric data in the username box by mistake where you are expecting the alphabetic data. Moreover, you are expecting data in the form of a particular format in alphabetic data but the user enters an invalid birthdate or Pincode so, it’s a mess right? And you do not want to make unwanted data. Here the data validation helps to solve your problem by collecting the data in the proper format and for validation you can choose a manual way of coding or either validation library/package. I think you may clear with the validation process, so let’s learn Joi.

What is Joi?

Joi is the mass acquainted package for schema description and validation. It is famous due to its efficiency. Joi permits developers to develop javascript blueprints with accurate format data in the application. Moreover, joi is easy to learn with implementation, mostly accepted packages for data validation, and also supports schema-based validation. After knowing the benefits we start with the steps to create a demo application with Joi

Steps To follow to implement API request Schema validation with joi for Node.js and Express

  • Initial setup
  • Define package .json file
  • Install Dependencies
  • Create server and connect with Database
  • Creating Connection file
  • Creating Server file
  • Creating Home Route
  • Creating user Module
  • Secure password.js
  • User validator.js
  • Adding into database
  • Creating post request for add user
  • Fetching user for a database
  • Testing gets user API in postman

The above steps are important for implementing joi validation with schema request API in Node.js and Express. I know to implement the same you are searching code and without that, it’s also not possible to implement but here I need to share one of the finest blogs that give you in depth information with code just click on joi validation in NodeJS and Express and reach to your desired destination.

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Learn API Schema Request with Joi Validation in Node JS and Express
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