18 React Native Popup Component Libraries you Should Know

1.React Native Popup Ui

A simple and fully customizable React Native component that implements a popup UI.

  • Easy to customize, has prop to change background color
  • Function to close automatically
  • Receives callback prop to set button action

React Native Popup Ui

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2.React Native Report Modal

Customizable Report Modal via Paraboly for React Native.
React Native Report Modal

Demo: https://www.paraboly.com/

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3.React Native Popup Stub

A popup container for implements your own popups like ActionSheet, Dialog, Alert, Toast …
Popup global controller:

  • Handle popup animations
  • Remove old popup with the same zIndex automatically
  • Make it easy to implement your own popup like Dialog, Toast, ActionSheet
  • Support landscape and portrait automatically
    Derived from @unpourtous/react-native-stub-toast/PopupStub.

React Native Popup Stub
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4.React Native Popup Dialog

A react native modals library. Swipeable. Highly customizable. Support multi modals & Support custom animation. For IOS & Android.
React Native Modals Library for iOS & Android.

React Native Popup Dialog

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5.React Native Easypopup

Lightweight Popup for react-native apps.

React Native Easypopup

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6.React Native Modal Overlay

An overlay component built using native Modal which can be invoked from anywhere in the component hierarchy.

React Native Modal Overlay


  • Unlike other modal/overlay components, it can be triggered from anywhere in the component hierarchy since it is using react-native Modal.
  • Used react-native components. So no linking is required.
  • Works out of the box for both Android and IOS.
  • Can be customised by passing style props.
  • Supports closeOnTouchOutside.

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7.React Native Step Modal

React Native modal with step indicator
React Native Step Modal

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8.React Native Simple Dialogs

Cross-platform simple dialogs for React Native based on the Modal component
React Native Simple Dialogs

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9.rn closable Modal

This package is a closable modal for react native. This package allows to close the modal by:

  • Tapping outside of it
  • Hitting the back button on android devices
    rn closable Modal

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10.React Native Android Location Enabler

Allow to display a GoogleMap like android popup to ask for user to enable location services if disabled.

React Native Android Location Enabler

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11.React Native Social Share

Use the iOS and Android native Twitter and Facebook share popup with React Native
Use the built-in share view from iOS and Android to let the user share on Facebook and Twitter. It will use the user’s existing account without having to get new authorizations. You can even preset text, image and link for the share view.

In other words a React Native wrapper for the SLComposeViewController
React Native Social Share

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12.React Native Simple Modal

A simple JavaScript modal component for React Native. Works on both iOS and Android.

Looking for maintainers! I’m not actively developing with React Native anymore and I don’t have much time to keep this library up-to-date.

React Native Simple Modal

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13.React Native Modal

An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal.


  • Smooth enter/exit animations
  • Plain simple and flexible APIs
  • Customizable backdrop opacity, color and timing
  • Listeners for the modal animations ending
  • Resize itself correctly on device rotation
  • Swipeable
  • Scrollable

React Native Modal

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14.React Native: Native Styled Dialogs

React Native Library that shows a beautiful and customizable designed dialog with header. This library is a bridge around Android: MaterialStyledDialogs & iOS: PMAlertController

React Native: Native Styled Dialogs

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15.React Native Modal Popover

React-Native pure JS popover that uses Modal.

The original react-native-popover is now outdated, so I decided to publish my own module to avoid using github url in my package.json. Something got lost in the process of rewriting, but now it uses Modal and native animation drivers, and also has cool helper to use with Touchables. Thanks to @jeanregisser and to the authors of hanging PRs for their code.

React Native Modal Popover

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16.React Native Popup Menu

Extensible popup menu component for React Native for Android, iOS and (unofficially) UWP and react-native-web.

React Native Popup Menu

Extensible popup menu component for React Native for Android, iOS and (unofficially) UWP and react-native-web.


  • Simple to use popup/context menu
  • Multiple modes: animated, not animated, slide in from bottom or popover
  • By default opening and closing animations
  • Optional back button handling
  • Easy styling
    Customizable on various levels - menu options, positioning, animations
    Can work as controlled as well as uncontrolled component
    Different lifecycle hooks
    RTL layout support
    Community driven features:

Support for UWP, react-native-web and react-native-desktop
Typescript definitions
We thank our community for maintaining features that goes over our scope.

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17.React Native: Popover Menu

This library is a ReactNative bridge around native popup/popover menus. It allows you to create simple popup menus.

React Native: Popover Menu

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18.React Native Popup Dialog

A react native modals library. Swipeable. Highly customizable. Support multi modals & Support custom animation. For IOS & Android.
React Native Popup Dialog
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18 React Native Popup Component Libraries you Should Know
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