In this article, we will learn about the Command design pattern and implement it in an Xcode Playground.

In short, the Command is a behavioral design pattern that helps us encapsulate actions (commands) and execute them at a later point in time.

It involves the following components:

  • Invoker — an object that executes its commands
  • Command — an action that needs to be performed
  • Receiver — an object that is being acted upon.

Let’s Start

Consider an example of a moderator who reviews an app. The moderation process may have different states: inReviewapproved, and rejected. We want to set specific commands for the moderator and execute them one-by-one with some delay. So let’s start creating the required components.


Our receiver is an App class that has a dependency on the ModerationState. Its initial state is submittedForReview:

class App {
	    enum ModerationState {
	        case submittedForReview
	        case inReview
	        case approved
	        case rejected

	    var moderationState: ModerationState = .submittedForReview

Next, let’s create a Command.


We start with a base class that each specific command with inherit from:

class ModerationCommand {
	    var app: App
	    init(app: App) { = app

	    public func execute() {}

The command depends on the single App object that we will mutate accordingly in subclasses. Now let’s create these subclasses:

class StartReviewCommand: ModerationCommand {
	    override func execute() {
	        app.moderationState = .inReview
	        print("The app is in review")

	class RejectCommand: ModerationCommand {
	    override func execute() {
	        app.moderationState = .rejected
	        print("The app was rejected")

	class ApproveCommand: ModerationCommand {
	    override func execute() {
	        app.moderationState = .approved
	        print("The app was approved")

As we can see, each command changes the moderationState property of the App object inside the execute() method.

With commands done, now we need to create an Invoker.

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Implement the Command Design Pattern in Swift 5
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