Are you a Julia developer who is sick and tired of Jupyter Notebook always getting in the way of your programming?

Me niether.

Despite my overall lack of need for a new notebook system, as I don’t even use the one I have that often, I decided to take a look at Pluto.jl because of recommendation from a friend. Pluto.jl is a fully-featured web/markdown/code notebook that comes in the form of a simple Julia package. It features all of the great things that you might expect from your typical Jupyter notebook. For a while, I actually used a notebook written in Scala to write Scala, it made me miss Jupyter, and frankly, its replacement,

the Spylon kernel

put a new tombstone on Scala’s data analysis grave. All of this is to say, while I am a huge proponent of Julia, I am not sure that this is going to change my mind at all — and the theme of this could turn out to be more of a question,

Why not just use Jupyter?

#julia #jupyter-notebook #programming #python #data-science

Could Pluto Be A Real Jupyter Replacement?
7.10 GEEK