From developers to designers, from CEOs to investors, today’s tech landscape is full of people redefining our perception and use of technology. Among them—many women spearheading this change. True, there are still too few of them in this world, but them women from listed below are doing their utmost to change that state of affairs.

About a year ago, women from our team met in one room to talk about how we could counteract the poor representation of women in the IT industry in our local community. We talked about our own stories, about how we found ourselves where we are, and decided to share those stories with high school and college students who would soon be making their own career choices. That was how we arrived at the idea of behind the Girls in IT project which enters its sophomore year in 2018.

We all agreed that these young women could be missing something very important on pretty much every stage of one’s career—a mentor, a figure they could look up to. That’s why we kicked off the Girls in IT series, and that’s why we decided to draft the list you’ll find below.

There are countless women who inspire thousands of people and make their mark on the tech landscape every single day. Women that made this subjective list were picked by my dear colleagues from Monterail, both men and women (special thanks to Paulina Łusiak, Marta Klimowicz, Jan Dudulski, Paweł Hawrylak, Rafał Rybicki, Marzena Kawa, Kacper Pucek and Robert Szczęsny for completing the list!). The selectees are leaders, executives, authors, developers, designers, and influencers, helping create innovative products and services. All of them transform the way we think about women in tech. All of them can be role models for the greatest minds out there and all of them are doing a great job of publicizing the issue of inclusion in the industry.

#culture #technology

27 Women Who Change the Tech World [Infographic]
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