**Dotty, **a comprehensive name for all the things that are being added to Scala 3.0 has been a topic of discussion in the Scala community for the last four years. With all the promises and progress, The time for the release is very near. We can expect a release by the end of the year. In this post, we will get a teaser of what changes to expect from Dotty as well as some of the new changes in the major release. At the end of the post, we will see how we can quickly start with the Dotty compiler and example code.

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What changes to expect from Dotty?

If you would ask, “Is Scala 3.0 a new language”, Martin Ordersky says “yes Or no” in “A tour of Dotty.” He has reasons for it. If you ask me, I would say yes!! It has a lot of new features.

  • If you are a beginner, and only starting with Scala 3, you will find the new features as a new concept that was not part of the old Scala.
  • Below snippet is a poll depicting the favorite changes for beginners in Scala 3.0. which was shared by Martin Ordersky in the last edition of ScalaDays.

Screenshot from 2020-06-04 08-48-09

  • However, it does not end here. There are more changes which you will see in the next section.
  • If you are at an intermediate level in scala and already familiar with the constructs of the language, you will see some of the features which are removed and no longer supported. We will see those in detail in the upcoming sections.
  • If you are a Scala expert and FP Enthusiast, there is a list of changes for you as well such as, **type-level derivation, match types, implicit function types, Metaprogramming **to name a few.
  • These changes are shared in “A tour of Dotty” by Martin Ordersky in the last edition of the ScalaDays.

Breaking Changes!

What do we mean by breaking changes? Those changes which are not going to be supported and compiling them in the newer version will require a re-write of the source in either a new way or to be removed. There are some features that are considered to have been pain points performance-wise or creating unnecessary complexity that is going to removed from Scala 3.0.

At a preview level here is the list of breaking changes:

**Macro:  **One of the biggest breaking change is Macros. The newer version of Scala includes a newer macros-system and Experimental Macro from Scala version 2.13 will not work in 3.0 and will have to be re-written.

**22-Arity: **The limits of 22 for the maximal number of parameters of function types and the maximal number of fields in tuple types have been dropped.

**And many more features. **Here is the list of all the breaking changes you should go through if you think you will be porting your code at some point in time.

An exhaustive list of Dropped Features is given below: 

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A Beginner's Guide to Scala 3.0
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