At the start of 2020, I wrote a long Medium article called “The Complete SwiftUI Documentation You’ve Been Waiting For.”

This was my way of sharing what I learned when I tried to fill in the gaps left by the insufficient documentation provided by Apple.

Although my article seemed to help a lot of people, I also wrote it eight months late.

Now that Apple’s 2020 developer conference is over, SwiftUI has been given some new capabilities, so hopefully, this update will make my documentation more helpful than ever before. This will be released as a series, with one chapter per article. The names of these chapters correspond with the chapter names in Apple’s SwiftUI documentation. They can be read in any order, so that’s why I’m not numbering them.

As I promised, the current chapter isn’t as long as “Views and Controls,” which was longer than my original documentation!

#mobile #programming #swiftui #swift #ios

View Layout and Presentation in SwiftUI
2.40 GEEK