Arquillian added a new module Arquillian Container Glassfish6 to align with the changes of Jakarta EE 9 and the features introduced in the Arquillian Core 1.7.0.

Arquillian Container Glassfish6 is designated to run tests on Glassfish v6, which is a full-featured Jakarta EE 9 compatible application server, so you can test all Jakarta EE 9 components using this new Arquillian Glassfish container.

In this post, we will try to run the our tests on the Glassfish container using both managed and remote adapters.

  • When using the managed adapter, Arquillian has ability to manage lifecycle of Glassfish server,eg. start and stop the container during the testing execution.
  • When using the remote adapter, Arquillian will try to run tests against a remote container, and gather the testing report through a proxy and send back to clients(IDE, Maven command console, etc.).

Note: The original Aruqillian Glassfish embedded container is not ported to the latest Glassfish v6 now.


Note: Make sure you are using Java 8, Glassfish v6.0 does not support Java 11. Glassfish v6.1 will focus on Java 11 support.

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Testing Jakarta EE 9 Applications with Arquillian and Glassfish v6
1.45 GEEK