In today’s world technology plays a vital role to change our lives. Especially the machine learning the next era of advanced computing. Do you think it’s the next era? It’s already started across the various fields as banking, retail, financial, medical, agriculture.

Well, I am too excited about the stuff which I have learnt in Data Science. So, I will be sharing my knowledge of pandas manipulation.

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I am using Jupyter notebook for Pandas. Here I will start the basic thing right from the beginning of reading dataset. To be expertise in anything we need to have hands-on experience. So, I grasped the idea of why don’t we use the real-time dataset rather render in CSV directly. I’ve visited the site named as University of California, Irvine. They have enclosed a lot of dataset across various streams. I’ve taken adult dataset as below.

Download dataset here.

First start from the basic, how to read the data using pandas.

The very first thing to import the library. Say import pandas as pd. Where ‘pd’ used as a referenced variable to call built-in functions in pandas. This is applicable for every library using extensively in the notebook.

#data-analysis #pandas #pandas-dataframe

A walkthrough in pandas
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