In this video, we are going to create our Authenticated user feature using the Laravel UI setup. Then, we will create a form that we can use to create a new expense. While doing this, we will learn about how to create Route groups, how a post route is created, what is a CSRF token, how validations are done.

We will also look at details like what is the use of fillable property inside a model, what is the use of guarded property inside a model. And many such things in this 45 mins.


0:00 Introduction
1:00 Creating a user inside Seeder
3:00 Authenticated routes and Route groups
9:00 Creating a form to add Expense
12:00 Creating a POST route to handle the form POST
17:30 Validation of Request in Laravel
32:50 Creating a Model row and Mass assignment
42:00 Retain form state after submit for error handling

#expense tracker app #laravel #react #interiajs #javascript #laravel 8

Expense tracker app | Laravel 8, React, InteriaJs  | Auth, Route, Form validations 3
1.40 GEEK