In our day-to-day life, be it personal or at work, we are always presented with a lot of options to choose from. And we always tend to believe that we have made the best possible choice. But have we?

What’s so unique about this article?

There are many articles out there that clearly explains everything about A/B Testing, so why this? People tend to shy away from learning as soon as they see this word. STATISTICS! Here’s a simpler and precise explanation of it without including any fancy jargon or Greek alphabets.

Does that mean there are no statistics covered in this article? Yes and No. We are just going to use the term INTUITION in place of statistics and better understand the mechanics of A/B Testing from the scratch.

What is A/B Testing?

In short, we are presented with 2 choices A and B(known as ‘variants’) out of which we have to figure out the best-suited option for our use case. It’s a relatively straightforward concept which aids the **Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) and Funnel Analysis in most businesses. In general, A/B Testing is about introducing a new feature or conducting a campaign and analyzing whether or not it had the expected impact on the target audience in a controlled way. By the controlled way we mean, the users in the Control and Treatment group are randomly selected which eliminates the bias in the experimentation process, and all other factors (known as guardrail metrics) that may influence our Target Metric are maintained constant. Not familiar with what a Control and Treatment group means? Keep reading!

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An Intuitive Approach towards Understanding A/B Testing-I
1.15 GEEK