
One of the biggest challenges the developers are facing is being Agile or, in other words, being able to deliver stable releases of the products on time. With every Sprint, we need to deliver new features, bug-free features.

And why bother with building, testing, and deploying manually when we could have an automated process? A process that would check every piece of code before merging it in the stable branch and then deploying it. For example, deploying it on a testing machine ready for the QA team.

There are many tools for implementing this CI/CD process, but we’ll stick with an awesome open-source tool, Jenkins.

Jenkins is an automation server. It helps automate building, testing, and deploying your application. Jenkins supports Git and Maven which will be our guest stars in this mini project.

This article will guide you through configuring the Jenkins process to be triggered every time a commit is made. Then we’ll make sure our GitHub repository is configured properly for this scenario. Lastly, will make a small test to see everything works properly.

#github #jenkins #ci/cd #devops

Set Up Gated Checkin for Spring Boot Projects with Github and Jenkins
1.25 GEEK