Python Reverse String: How To Reverse String In Python

Reverse string is a process of reversing the order of characters in a string. It is a common task in many programming languages, and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as data encryption, decryption, and data validation.

Reversing a string in Python is a common task with many applications, such as data encryption, decryption, and data validation. This guide will teach you how to reverse a string in Python using different methods. We will cover both built-in functions and custom functions, so you can choose the best method for your needs.

  • 1: Using for loop
  • 2: Using while loop
  • 3: Using the slice operator
  • 4: Using the reversed() function
  • 5: Using the recursion

1: Using for loop

Here, we will reverse the given string using for loop.

def reverse_string(str):  
    str1 = ""   # Declaring empty string to store the reversed string  
    for i in str:  
        str1 = i + str1  
    return str1    # It will return the reverse string to the caller function  
str = "CodeGeek"    # Given String       
print("The original string is: ",str)  
print("The reverse string is",reverse_string(str)) # Function call  


The original string is:  CodeGeek
The reverse string is keeGedoC

We have passed the str argument and declared the reverse_string() function in the code above. We have declared the empty string variable str1 in the body of the function, which will store the reversed string.

The for loop then iterated over each part of the given string, joining each character at the beginning and saving the results in the str1 variable.

After the total cycle, it returned the opposite request string str1 to the guest capability. The result was displayed on the screen.

2: Using while loop

We can also reverse a string using a while loop. Let's understand the following example.

# Reverse string  
# Using a while loop  
str = "CodeGeek" #  string variable  
print ("The original string  is : ",str)   
reverse_String = ""  # Empty String  
count = len(str) # Find length of a string and save in count variable  
while count > 0:   
    reverse_String += str[ count - 1 ] # save the value of str[count-1] in reverseString  
    count = count - 1 # decrement index  
print ("The reversed string using a while loop is : ",reverse_String)# reversed string  


The original string  is :  CodeGeek
The reversed string using a while loop is :  keeGedoC

We have declared a str variable with a string value in the code above. We introduced some time circle with a worth of the string.

The value of str[count - 1] decreased the count value as it concatenated with the reverse_String during each iteration. Sometime finished its cycle and returned the opposite request string.

3: Using the slice ([]) operator

We can also reverse the given string using the extended slice operator. Let's understand the following example.

#  Reverse a string    
# using  slice syntax   
# reverse(str) Function to reverse a string   
def reverse(str):   
    str = str[::-1]   
    return str   
s = "CodeGeek"  
print ("The original string  is : ",s)   
print ("The reversed string using extended slice operator  is : ",reverse(s)) 


The original string  is :  CodeGeek
The reversed string using extended slice operator  is :  keeGedoC

Start, stop, and step are the three parameters that a slice operator typically accepts. We offered the no benefit to begin and end file, which shows the beginning record is 0 and the end is n-1 of course. -1 is the step size; it implies the string proceeds with the navigate from the end and goes to the 1 file position.

4: Using reverse function with join

Python provides the reversed() function to reverse the string. Let's understand the following example.

#reverse a string using reversed()   
# Function to reverse a string   
def reverse(str):   
    string = "".join(reversed(str)) # reversed() function inside the join() function  
    return string   
s = "CodeGeek"  
print ("The original string is : ",s)   
print ("The reversed string using reversed() is : ",reverse(s) ) 


The original string is :  CodeGeek
The reversed string using reversed() is :  keeGedoC

We declared the empty string separated by operator in the body of the function. The reversed() string that it joined with the empty string separated by the join() function returned the reversed string.

5: Using recursion()

The recursion can also be used to turn the string around. Recursion is a cycle where capability calls itself. Look at the following example.

# reverse a string    
# using recursion   
def reverse(str):   
    if len(str) == 0: # Checking the lenght of string  
        return str   
        return reverse(str[1:]) + str[0]   
str = "Code Geek"   
print ("The original string  is : ", str)     
print ("The reversed string(using recursion) is : ", reverse(str))  


The original string  is :  Code Geek
The reversed string(using recursion) is :  keeG edoC

In this tutorial you learned how to reverse a string in Python

Thanks for reading !!!

#python #reversedname #programming

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