In this Simplilearn video on White Hat vs Black Hat vs Grey Hat we will acquaint you with the different types of hackers. In this shorts video on the types of hackers explained, you will get a quick and easy understanding of the differences between the various types of hackers. So, let’s begin!

Who Is a White Hat Hacker?
A White Hat Hacker is a skilled professional who discovers vulnerabilities in a computer network with the system owner’s approval. Such a hacker works to defend organizations and governments. This form of hacking is legal and ethical and hence also known as Ethical Hacking. Professionals who carry out Ethical Hacking are also known as Ethical Hackers.

Who Is a Black Hat Hacker?
A Black Hat Hacker is a highly skilled individual who illegally hacks into a system. The motive behind such an attack is mostly for monetary gains. They may also tamper and destroys files, or steal personal information. These hackers are also called security crackers.

Who Is a Grey Hat Hacker?
A Grey Hat Hacker works both defensively and offensively. They identify system vulnerabilities without the owner’s approval and take a call depending on the situation. In most cases they ask the system owner for a fee to fix the spotted vulnerabilities. Their motive is not bad, however, grey hat hackers break into a system without permission.

White Hat vs Black Hat vs Grey Hat | Types Of Hackers Explained
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