Style Your App With Tailwind CSS and AWS Amplify Gen 2 In 10 Minutes (Full Stack)

Learn to style your application using Tailwind CSS and AWS Amplify Gen 2 for a seamless and visually appealing user experience. Explore how to create full stack application using Tailwind and AWS Amplify Gen 2 to get up and running fast. We'll be looking at Next.js server components, using the AWS Amplify library, with Cognito and AWS Appsync in the background.

Get started with AWS Amplify Gen 2 



0:00 How I create full stack apps
0:53 How I setup AWS Amplify Gen 2 (Preview)
02:25 Styling my Page.tsx file using Tailwind.css
04:34 Styling my Meal.tsx file using Tailwind.css
10:32 Fixing a slight bug

#tailwindcss #tailwind

Style Your App with Tailwind CSS and AWS Amplify
1.15 GEEK