An application that finds nearby developers working with the technologies

An application that finds nearby developers working with the technologies that the user search for 📡

🛠️ Technologies

⚙️ Requirements

🚀 Installation

$ git clone


Before running the API, it’s necessary to have a database setup on a MongoDB Atlas Cluster. With that, create a .env file in the backend folder root and put these keys in environment variables and they’ll work on the mongoose connection string.



If you prefer, you can just place your connection string on the server.js file.



$ cd devradar/backend
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Note: It’s important to have the API running to be able to properly run the web and mobile app

💻 Web

$ cd devradar/frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start 

The application will pop-up in the browser on http://localhost:3000

📱 Mobile

It’s also necessary to have a React Native Expo environment setup and the Expo mobile app installed on your smartphone. It’s important that both the smartphone and the computer are connected to the same network and to put the local IP address on the baseURL in the api.js file.


const api = axios.create({
  baseURL: '',

With that:

$ cd devradar/mobile
$ npm install -g expo-cli
$ npm install
$ npm start

A new window with application log will open in the browser.

Then, you can simply load the app by scanning the QR code with the Expo mobile app or by using the local URL.

Download Details:

Author: gabrielsanttana

Source Code:

#react-native #react #mobile-apps

An application that finds nearby developers working with the technologies
3.55 GEEK