The Rise Of Telemedicine Apps After The COVID-19 Pandemic

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic brought forth new technological developments. One of them garnered a lot of interest in the past, but it never really took off. Today, however, it’s at the top of the list of priorities for both common folk and business owners. It’s what you may recognize as telemedicine smartphone applications. Telemedicine is a relatively new form of e-healthcare, where patients can get in touch with doctors via video calls, texts, and phone calls.

Even a few years ago, if someone needed the services of a healthcare specialist, then the individual had to make an appointment to visit the doctor. However, such events are a thing of the past. Today, almost everyone in the world is more cautious than they ever were due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the beginning, governments of every country enforced lockdown measures, but people can’t remain locked inside their houses forever. Lockdown measures aren’t as stringent as they were, even three months ago, but it’s also true that an individual can’t simply visit a doctor when needed.

That’s why new med-tech solutions are gaining popularity, and telemedicine applications are one of them. Apart from administering medical services to patients, the apps designed by the best telemedicine application development company are improving the quality of the treatment received. According to experts, the definition of telehealth refers to the usage of electronic information and telecommunications technologies in offering healthcare treatment. It also refers to the use of technologies in the fields of medical education and clinical data management.

Every telemedicine application development company aims to empower both patients and their healthcare providers. One such app can provide video-based medical consultations, remote monitoring of a patient’s health, remote physical and psychiatry therapy, and telehealth nursing. If utilized appropriately, it can be exceptionally useful to the entire healthcare industry. Reports generated by organizations prove that the global telemedicine market will expand from $38.3 billion to $130.5 billion by 2025. The researchers surveyed innumerable participants. They found that more than 70% of the people were willing to invest in developing telemedicine apps. This value was stuck at 54% back in 2014.

The data given above begs the question as to what led to the sudden rise in demand for telemedicine applications. In reality, the need for medical app development solutions for iPhone and Android will increase even more once the pandemic crisis subsides. Here are a few compelling reasons.

Supporting social distancing: Since there isn’t a vaccine or a designated drug against the SARS-CoV-2 virus; doctors believe that social distancing is currently the best and most effective solution. It’s the key step in stopping the virus in its tracks. According to surveys conducted upon the citizens of the US, around 72% of the adults said that they wish to avoid public places, such as restaurants and stores, and 64% of the respondents claimed that they would do their best to isolate themselves. As you can see, everyone is attempting to adhere to social distancing norms, even in a developed country like the US. In that regard, medical app development solutions for iPhone and Android can bolster the importance of social distancing.

Caring for patients in rural areas: Telemedicine applications can bridge the gap between the number of doctors and patients with video consultations and on-demand appointments. According to data gathered by the World Health Organization, around 26 doctors have to take care of 10,000 patients. Conversely, in developing countries like India, 8 doctors have to look after 10,000 patients. The US census data proves that about one out of five people reside in rural areas. It means that the American rural population amounts to 60 million people. In India, on the other hand, 68% of the entire population lives in villages and hamlets. These people can surely benefit from telemedicine applications.

Reduction in the initial investment: Visiting a doctor can prove to be quite costly. It’s something that many patients try to avoid. According to reports, the average cost of treating minor cases, such as a sore throat, flu, bronchitis, and other such ailments is more in the emergency room than in primary care settings. Establishing a clinic can also burn a hole in the pocket of an investor, whether it’s a physician or a banking institution. Researchers say that launching a primary care practice can cost somewhere between $70,000 and $100,000. It includes rent, insurance, payroll, and living expenses, at least during the first few months. When you compare it to healthcare mobile app development, the costs drop dramatically. You only have to spend around $5,000 to $10,000 on fundamental medical apparatuses, $1,500 on a video conferencing platform, $20,000 on a telemedicine cart with a software program, primary care devices, and mobile case, and $200 on basic training for staff members. Therefore, you can complete everything at $40,000.

No more waiting: Waiting times can be quite frustrating to patients. It even reflects in the satisfaction score that they give to the doctor. In 2017, a study conducted on waiting time found that a person had to wait 24.1 days to book an appointment with a doctor in 15 of the largest US metropolises. The patient’s troubles don’t end once they reach the doctor in the US alone. Studies that took place in 2018 prove that they have to wait almost 18 minutes and 13 seconds. However, telemedicine apps can negate these issues permanently. Patients can inspect the availability of doctors and pick a time that suits them. Additionally, they can move forward with the appointment procedure from the comfort of their homes.

Dealing with chronic ailments

Finally, healthcare mobile app development services can help patients deal with chronic diseases faster. These are generally incurable ailments that require prolonged medical attention, such as asthma, type-2 diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, etc. Around 133 million Americans suffer from some form of chronic illness. It’s roughly 40% of the entire population. Telemedicine apps can prove useful to these people, as well as others who reside in rural areas.

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The Rise Of Telemedicine Apps After The COVID-19 Pandemic
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