Cypress is an amazing tool for end to end testing Rails applications, but large test suites can quickly take upwards of 20 minutes to run. That’s where Knapsack Pro comes in. Knapsack Pro  Queue Mode to intelligently split your test suite into jobs that can be run in parallel , reducing run time to only a few minutes. In this article we’ll show how to quickly implement Knapsack Pro Queue Mode to speed up both Cypress & RSpec test suites in a Ruby on Rails app on Github Actions

Set up Knapsack Pro API Keys

First step is to go to your Knapsack  dashboard and grab your API keys for both RSpec and Cypress. Once you have those, go to your Github Repo’s settings, for example:


Set up your GitHub Actions config file

Once you’ve added your KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_RSPEC and KNAPSACK_PRO_TEST_SUITE_TOKEN_CYPRESS secrets, the next step is setting up your GitHub Actions configuration file to use the Knapsack Runner in place of the normal commands to run RSpec and Cypress.

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Faster Cypress + RSpec test suite for Rails apps on GitHub Actions using Knapsack Pro
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