React Redux Functions: Simplify Redux Actions and Selectors in React


React Redux Functions is a utility package for making Redux easier to use with hooks and reduce (pun intended) the boilerplate for defining new actions and reducers.

There are some built in utility functions for common tasks such as useGetValue for reading values in redux and setValue for setting a value in redux

Example Usage

import { Provider, useReduxFunctions } from "@colincamp/react-redux-functions";

const initialState = {
  users: [{ id: 1, model: "users", name: "Colin", permission: "admin", upvotes: 0 }],

function Root() {
  return (
    <Provider config={{ initialState }}>
      <FirstUser path={["users", 0]} />
      <UpvoteFirstUser path={["users", 0]} />

function FirstUser({ path }) {
  const { useGetValue } = useReduxFunctions();
  const { name, permission, upvotes } = useGetValue(path, {});
  return (
    <p>{`the first user ${name} with permission ${permission} has been upvoted ${upvotes} times`}</p>

function UpvoteFirstUser({ path }) {
  const { useGetValue, setValue } = useReduxFunctions();
  const { name, upvotes } = useGetValue(path, {});
  const handleUpvote = () => {
      path: [...path, "upvotes"],
      value: upvotes + 1,
  return <button onClick={handleUpvote}>{`Click to upvote ${name}`}</button>;

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("container"));
root.render(<Root />);

Extending with Custom Actions and Reducers

When calling the Provider component you can provide an actions object in the config prop. This object is a mapping between and action name and a reducer function in the simple case

const actions = {
  [actionName]: reducerFn,

In this case the action name is also the type in the payload once the action is dispatched.

You can also use the object definition if you would like to provide a custom type for the action.

const actions = {
  [actionName]: {
    reducer: reducerFn,

The actions defined will then be available to pull out of the useReduxFunctions hook, and when called will dispatch that action with the payload provided as first argument in the function call. The optional second argument will be the meta in the action object.

// Inside some component:
const { actionName } = useReduxFunctions();
const payload = { some: { payload: [] } };
const meta = { component: "SomeSneakyComponent" };
actionName(payload, meta);
    type: actionName || "CUSTOM_ACTION_TYPE",
    payload: { some: { payload: [] } },
    meta: { component: "SomeSneakyComponent" },

Custom Action Example

import { Provider, useReduxFunctions } from "@colincamp/react-redux-functions";
import * as R from "ramda";

const initialState = {
  users: [{ id: 1, model: "users", name: "Colin", permission: "admin", upvotes: 0 }],

const addToValueReducer = (state, action) => {
  const payloadPath = R.path(["payload", "path"], action);
  const payloadValue = R.pathOr(1, ["payload", "value"], action);
  return R.pipe(
    R.pathOr(0, payloadPath),
    R.assocPath(payloadPath, R.__, state)

const actions = {
  addToValue: {
    reducer: addToValueReducer,
    type: "ADD_TO_VALUE",

function Root() {
  return (
    <Provider config={{ initialState, actions }}>
      <FirstUser path={["users", 0]} />
      <UpvoteFirstUser path={["users", 0]} />

function FirstUser({ path }) {
  const { useGetValue } = useReduxFunctions();
  const { name, permission, upvotes } = useGetValue(path, {});
  return (
    <p>{`the first user ${name} with permission ${permission} has been upvoted ${upvotes} times`}</p>

function UpvoteFirstUser({ path }) {
  const { useGetValue, addToValue } = useReduxFunctions();
  const { name, upvotes } = useGetValue(path, {});
  const handleUpvote = value => () => {
    action dispatched:
      type: "ADD_TO_VALUE",
      path: ["users", 0, "upvotes],
      value: value (undefined or 5)
      path: [...path, "upvotes"],
  return (
      <button onClick={handleUpvote()}>{`Click to upvote ${name} one time`}</button>
      <button onClick={handleUpvote(5)}>{`Click to upvote ${name} five times`}</button>

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("container"));
root.render(<Root />);


  • Make config dynamically generate reducers and actions
  • Switch to the builder callback notation (see
  • Support action definition with object or function (use the key for the action type in this case)
  • Support defining selectors and binding to useSelector -- Also support selector creators?
  • Handle reducer slices
  • Documentation

Download Details:

Author: Colindcampbell
Source Code: 
License: ISC

#redux #react #functions 

React Redux Functions: Simplify Redux Actions and Selectors in React
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