Flutter App with embedded Unity3D AR
This is a Flutter application with embedded Unity Project. We have used https://github.com/snowballdigital/flutter-unity-view-widget for embedding Unity3D
All the business logic & UI elements are implemented on Flutter including the AR Face selection UI on top the camera feed.
Flutter app directly communicates with Unity3D using Flutter platform channels. API’s are part for the flutter-unity-view-widget plugin
We have built the AR Face masks in Blender & Unity3D. App also includes 2 masks from ARFoundation samples project https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples.
For AR, we are using Unity3D AR Foundation, a wrapper for ARCore & ARKit which allows you to build AR applications for both android & ios
You can start from this Flutter Unity3D AR example https://github.com/juicycleff/flutter-unity-arkit-demo
Integration is not limited to AR. Any game or interactive Unity3D application can be embedded with Flutter
#flutter #unity