Round 1: It was a written test and this written test was cleared by 52 aspirants.

  1. Construct a custom stack, operations of the stack, pushpopdelete the middle (expected Time complexity: O(1) per operation)

I don’t remember actually, but possibly a good question

Round 2: Brief Intro of both interviewee and interviewer

Two Coding Questions were asked:

  1. Given a binary tree, if any node is affected on this tree with a virus, its adjacent nodes will also be affected the next day. Give a list of an affected node, how many days will the whole tree be affected. (Tree Node can be customized)
  2. An array with some numbers, return another array. The index i contains a number which is the multiplication of all except the current number, use of division and subtraction was prohibited.

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Amazon Interview Experience | 2020 On-Campus for SDE-1 FTE
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