Bootstrap 4 continues to be the most popular framework for creating web apps. It’s a shame that the jQuery dependency makes it less powerful than it could be!

Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to swap jQuery for Vue to make a far simpler and more flexible development experience.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how easy it is to set up a Bootstrap 4 project with Vue. To do this, we’ll be using Bootstrap-Vue, Vue CLI, and Vue 2.6. I’ll assume you already know the basics of both Bootstrap and Vue.

Setting up a Bootstrap and Vue project

The Bootstrap-Vue project has done most of the heavy lifting of replacing jQuery with Vue by implementing Bootstrap features as Vue components.

Rather than installing it directly, we can use Bootstrap-Vue as a Vue CLI plugin. This takes care of any configuration boilerplate and will automatically add any dependencies so I highly recommend this approach.

#webdev #javascript #vue #bootstrap #vuejs

How to Setup a Bootstrap 4 project with Vuejs
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