Open source C/C++ library manager. In this post, we will share some information on the 2020.04 release of vcpkg and discuss the vcpkg product roadmap, which we are publishing and will keep up to date over time. To try out vcpkg for yourself and save yourself some time acquiring your project dependencies, follow the instructions on our GitHub repository.

2020.04 Release

This month, we released the 2020.04 update to vcpkg. The release includes several updates to our documentation, a number of product improvements, the addition of 5 new libraries (which we refer to as ‘ports’), and updates to 69 existing ports.

The following remarkable changes have been made to vcpkg:

The following 5 new libraries have been added:

  1. skyr-url (v1.5.1)
  2. boringssl (v2020-04-07)
  3. quadtree (v2020-04-13)
  4. avisynthplus (v3.5.0)
  5. c4core (v2020-04-12)

In total, we now support 1322 libraries in the main vcpkg library catalog. Broken down by build configuration (which we also refer to as ‘triplets’), the counts stand as follows:

tripletports availablex64-windows1218x86-windows1202x64-windows-static1130x64-linux1104x64-osx1041arm64-windows842x64-uwp654arm-uwp625

For an exhaustive list of all changes, check out our Releases page on GitHub.

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Vcpkg 2020.04 Update and Product Roadmap
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