dot NET

This week, Fritz walks through building OpenAPI and gRPC services using ASP.NET Core. We look at the templates, command-line tools, and the Visual Studio 2019 features that make development with these protocols a snap.


  • 00:07:15 Will you talk about HangFire?
  • 00:45:20 Can you disable the try out function?
  • 00:46:26 How can I add to the Visual Studio 2019 editor the peek scrollbar on the right?
  • 01:01:30 Can swagger interact with authorized endpoints?
  • 01:08:31 Is there a way to use swagger to ignore a API route?
  • 01:13:14 What if my API is on top of some class library and I have different API verions!
  • 01:41:41 What is the difference between gRPC vs SignalR?

#csharp #dotnet #openapi #grpc #developer

C# with CSharpFritz S2 E5 - Get Started with OpenAPI and gRPC with ASP.NET Core
1.90 GEEK