The world’s simplest facial recognition API for Python and the command line

In this article, we’ll explore the ‘face_recognition’ library and implement a face recognition system.


  1. Step 1: Installation

  1. Step 2: Finding Faces in Image
  2. Step 3: Identifying Facial Features
  3. Step 4: Identifying Known Faces

Step 1: Installation:


  • Python 3.3+ or Python 2.7
  • macOS or Linux (Windows not officially supported, but it will work fine)

For windows, First make sure that you have **dlib** installed. If you don’t have **dlib** installed. Follow these steps

  • Clone the code from GitHub:
git clone
  • Install with Python Extension:
cd ..
python3 install

After this step, you should be able to run import dlib successfully.

_After successful installation of _**_dlib_**_ library, install _**_face_recognition_**_ using this pip command_

pip3 install face_recognition

Now, you are ready to implement a real-time face recognition system.

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Face Recognition using ‘face_recognition’ API
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