See the definitions of serverless computing and cloud computing and explore the peculiarities and pros and cons of each one.

The abundance of terms makes you feel confused and wonder how to differentiate one concept from another. The statistics show that people aren’t aware of these terms. Only one of the four customers may thoroughly explain the difference between cloud computing vs serverless.

This article will define the terms and briefly explain the peculiarities of each one.

Cloud Computing and Its Main Features

Let’s start with defining the term cloud computing. Generally speaking, this phrase is used when we talk about the data centers available to many users all over the Internet. Basically, it saves the space of your computer’s hard drive as it stores the data over the net.

The funny thing is that this term can be explained in various ways by different people. Some describe it as a bought-in computer service, while others view it as IT outsourcing. Still, we all use it on a regular basis even though the majority of us don’t think about it.

For instance, when you prepare a document over the net, or write web-based emails, or type a query into Google. All these cases are examples of cloud computing and show that it is inevitable nowadays. Moreover, it has plenty of advantages as it helps to lower IT costs, scale more easily, and improve agility.

There are three main types of cloud computing:

  • IaaS
  • PaaS
  • SaaS

Well, as you can see, this term isn’t as complicated as it seems. But what is serverless, and how does it work?

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Serverless Computing vs Cloud Computing
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