Hey everyone,

Another Flutter Mentor tutorial here. In this one you can learn how to set ANY kind of font for your Flutter apps. All you need is to have the font’s .ttf file saved. After that you need to save it in a folder within your project and then reference back to that directory in the pubspec.yaml file.

Once you’ve done all of that, you can set the new font simply by using the fontFamily property (which can be found in the TextStyle widget).

It’s as simple as that. And in order to save you some work in the future, in this video I also go through how to create a universal app font style, as well as a universal title styling.

So, I hope you enjoy this quick 10 minute tutorial where you can learn quite a few things!

Here is the Stack Overflow post referencing ThemeData’s deprecated title and other properties: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61312511/themedata-deprecated-title-argument

Here are some keywords:

Flutter, set universal app font. Use my fonts in flutter. How to use my font in flutter app. Custom Fonts in Flutter. Android studio tutorial for custom fonts. Android studio tutorial with emulator. Android. MediaQuery being used. How to change appbar font style. Appbar fontstyle. Change all appbar one code. Pubspec error handling. Flutter learning for absolute beginnings. Flutter for dummies


How To Add Custom Fonts & How To Set A Text Theme - Flutter
1.10 GEEK