Recently, as pointed out by Abhishek Nagaraj on Twitter, the New York Times has started publishing dasymetric maps where they show Covid data but color each county based only the pixels within the county that are actually populated:

Image for post

Compare that against their older maps:

Image for post

And you can see how much better this is. The key thing to notice is that both of these are county-level data. But counties in the dasymetric map are colored only by the pixels within them that have > 10 people per square kilometer — sparsely populated parts of the county, such as forests, are ignored and this makes the resulting visualization more representative of things that affect people (and not land).** In both maps, every county is represented.**

It would be so much easier if there were a readily accessible dataset that gives you county boundaries that include only the populated areas. In this article, I will show you to create such a dataset in BigQuery and provide instructions on how to extract that data into a CSV file with GeoJSON or WKT to plot it in other packages.

BigQuery has a generous free tier (1 TB/month of querying) and each of the queries in this article processes 2 to 5 GB. They take 15 to 45 seconds to run and even without the free tier, would cost you about 1c each (cloud computing is cheap!). Given that, I suggest that you take these queries and adapt them for your needs rather than simply download my result.

Population Density Raster Data

Joining a vector dataset of county boundaries against a raster dataset of population density can be quite hard. Earlier, I have written about how you can efficiently query raster data in BigQuery by demonstrating on the global population density dataset published by Columbia University. Here, I am using that raster dataset (I’ve made it public) and joining it against US count-level data to trim the county boundaries in Washington State to just populated areas:

WITH populated_areas AS (
  SELECT bounds
  FROM `ai-analytics-solutions`.publicdata.popdensity_sedac_rectangles
  year = 2020 AND
  tile = 'gpw_v4_population_density_rev11_2020_30_sec_1.asc' AND
  population_density > 10 -- persons per square kilometer
  state_fips_code, county_fips_code, 
  ANY_VALUE(county_geom) AS tract_geom,
  ST_UNION(ARRAY_AGG(bounds)) AS populated_tract_geom
  state_fips_code = '53' AND
  ST_CONTAINS(county_geom, bounds)

Notice that I am passing in a tile. You want to look at the tile boundaries for details, but tile 1 covers the Western US (west, approximately of Ohio) and tile 2 covers the Eastern US. To query the entire country or query states in the transition area, specify tile 1 (_sec_1.asc) and tile 2 (_sec_2.asc).

The resulting table looks like this:

Image for post

The key things to notice:

  • You get 39 results, one for each county in Washington
  • While the original tract_geom is a POLYGON, the populated_tract_geom is a MULTI_POLYGON since there are multiple pixels in each county

The result, visualized in BigQuery GeoViz:

Image for post

Let’s look at an individual county (Asotin county in the Southeast corner of the state). Here’s the original boundary:

Image for post

And here’s the populated areas — if we are drawing Asotin County, these are the only pixels we’d color:

Image for post

Full dataset (for whole US)

Let’s do this for the whole country, not just Washington, and send the output to a table for easy querying:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE publicdata.us_tracts AS
WITH populated_areas AS (
  SELECT bounds
  FROM `ai-analytics-solutions`.publicdata.popdensity_sedac_rectangles
  year = 2020 AND
  (tile = 'gpw_v4_population_density_rev11_2020_30_sec_1.asc' OR
   tile = 'gpw_v4_population_density_rev11_2020_30_sec_2.asc'
  ) AND
  population_density > 10 -- persons per square kilometer
  state_fips_code, county_fips_code,
  ANY_VALUE(county_geom) AS tract_geom,
  ST_UNION(ARRAY_AGG(bounds)) AS populated_tract_geom
  ST_CONTAINS(county_geom, bounds)

This creates a table with 3222 rows, one for each county.

I’ve made the dataset public. You can use it in BigQuery by directly querying or joining against this table:


For your convenience, that table also has the state code, county name, and population. This was the query I used:

	CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE publicdata.us_tracts AS
	WITH populated_areas AS (
	  bounds, population_density
	  FROM `ai-analytics-solutions`.publicdata.popdensity_sedac_rectangles
	  year = 2020 AND
	  (tile = 'gpw_v4_population_density_rev11_2020_30_sec_1.asc' OR
	   tile = 'gpw_v4_population_density_rev11_2020_30_sec_2.asc'
	  ) AND
	  population_density > 10 -- persons per square kilometer
	  state_fips_code, county_fips_code,
	  ANY_VALUE(state) AS state_code,
	  ANY_VALUE(county_name) AS county_name,
	  SUM(population_density) AS population,
	  ST_UNION(ARRAY_AGG(bounds)) AS populated_tract_geom,
	  ANY_VALUE(county_geom) AS tract_geom
	FROM `bigquery-public-data`.geo_us_boundaries.counties
	JOIN `bigquery-public-data`.geo_us_boundaries.states USING(state_fips_code)
	CROSS JOIN populated_areas
	  ST_CONTAINS(county_geom, bounds)
	GROUP BY 1, 2

Query to create county boundaries where the boundaries of populated pixels within each county.

#bigquery #gis #population-density #visualization #mapping #visual studio code

How to Create County Boundary Maps Only of Populated Areas
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