The ninth annual js13kGames competition wrapped up last weekend with over 220 games submitted. All created in a month and in less than 13kB of JavaScript. For anyone not in the know, js13kGames is a JavaScript coding competition for HTML5 game developers.

This year’s theme was 404, and as with previous years, participants had the freedom to interpret this however they liked.

Here are this year’s top 10 entries as voted on by the participants themselves.


Ninja vs. Evilcorp

Ninja vs EVILCORP is a platformer inspired by games like Super Meat Boy and Stealth B*$#@rd Deluxe. Use your ninja skills to scale the tower and find the evil plans, but be careful to avoid the security cameras and guards.

View source Play By @remvst

“_This game is amazingly good! So smooth! I love the motion blur, the cloth simulation, the raycasting view cones for security camera, the awesome levels, everything! _

#community #open source #gamedev #javascript #js13k

Top 10 games from the JS13K 2020 competition 🕹
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