What is Kubernetes Ingress

When deploying your applications in Kubernetes, one of the first challenges many people encounter is how to get traffic into their cluster. Kubernetes ingress is a collection of routing rules that govern how external users access services running in a Kubernetes cluster. There are three general approaches for exposing your application:

  • Using a NodePort to expose your application on a port across each of your nodes
  • Using a LoadBalancer service to create an external load balancer that points to a Kubernetes service in your cluster
  • Using a Kubernetes Ingress resource

What’s new in Kubernetes 1.18 Ingress

There are three significant additions to the Ingress API in Kubernetes 1.18:

  • A new pathType field
  • A new IngressClass resource
  • Support for wildcards in hostnames

The new pathType field allows you to specify how Ingress paths should match. The field supports three types: ImplementationSpecific (default), exact, and prefix. Explicitly defining the expected behavior of path matching will allow every ingress-controller to support a user’s needs and will increase portability between ingress-controller implementation solutions.

The IngressClass resource specifies how Ingresses should be implemented by controllers. This was added to formalize the commonly used but never standardized kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation and allow for implementation-specific extensions and configuration.

You can read more about these changes, as well as the support for wildcards in hostnames in more detail in a previous blog post.

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