Imagine you’re running a leading restaurant in the country or even a small bistro in the city center, and suddenly due to higher power, you need to close your business.

No one knows for how long. And of course, hosting and serving clients is the core of your activity, it’s a “be or not to be”. Does it sound familiar? Unfortunately, many business segments share this fate right now. The global pandemic of Covid-19 triggered many serious governmental decisions—closing schools, shopping centers, borders of countries, pubs, cinemas etc. It forced many businesses to adapt quickly. One of the segments that will be rather more severely than lightly touched by this, is restaurants.

Unfortunately, one of our clients, Pizza Hut Poland, faces this danger. Having worked with them since August 2019, we managed to release a new front-end for the Polish website which significantly increased the conversion rate. Since then, we’ve worked at a steady pace. But the last situation in the project required more than a steady pace.

As we are putting extra effort to provide security to our employees and clients’ projects during the pandemic, we willingly agreed to help Pizza Hut introduce a business-critical issue—on Saturday, in less than a few hours. It’s the story of adaptability and swift deployment under dynamic circumstances. While staying safe.

#pizza hut #business #agile #development

Pizza Hut Case Study: Introducing Contact-Free Delivery In Less Than 5 Hours
1.35 GEEK