3 Powerful JavaScript Array Methods to Know

If you ask a developer “What are some of the most important JavaScript array methods to know?”, you will likely hear mention of map, filter and reduce. These 3 powerful methods enable you to iterate through the contents of an array, similar to using a for loop. Each of these methods will create a new array (or element, object, etc. for reduce) based on the callback function supplied, and they won’t mutate or change the original array.

Why should you use map, filter or reduce instead of a for loop?

  • They can create code that’s easier to read.
  • They are quicker to write.
  • They make it easy to chain methods together.
  • They aren’t destructive to the original array.

In this article, I’m going to break down these 3 popular array methods.

#javascript #developer

How to Use Map, Filter and Reduce in JavaScript Array Methods
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