Articles talk about, how to secure spark inter node communication by encrypting. Lot of companies want to secure spark and it’s processing. This can be achieved by the new feature introduced by azure data bricks to encrypt node to node communication. here are the steps.

  • Create a init scripts for either global or cluster scope init scripts
  • Create a azure data bricks cluster. Basic default one is plenty. This cluster is only to create init scripts.
  • Create a scala notebook and cut and paste this below code

## Use the SHA256 of the JKS keystore file as a SASL authentication secret string
sasl_secret=$(sha256sum $keystore_file | cut -d' ' -f1)


if [ ! -e $spark_defaults_conf ]; then
touch $spark_defaults_conf

if [ ! -e $driver_conf ]; then
touch $driver_conf

## Authenticate
echo "spark.authenticate true" >> $spark_defaults_conf
echo "spark.authenticate.secret $sasl_secret" >> $spark_defaults_conf

## Configure AES encryption
echo " true" >> $spark_defaults_conf
echo " false" >> $spark_defaults_conf

## Configure SSL
echo "spark.ssl.enabled true" >> $spark_defaults_conf
echo "spark.ssl.keyPassword $keystore_password" >> $spark_defaults_conf
echo "spark.ssl.keyStore $keystore_file" >> $spark_defaults_conf
echo "spark.ssl.keyStorePassword $keystore_password" >> $spark_defaults_conf
echo "spark.ssl.protocol TLSv1.2" >> $spark_defaults_conf
echo "spark.ssl.standalone.enabled true" >> $spark_defaults_conf
echo "spark.ssl.ui.enabled true" >> $spark_defaults_conf

head -n -1 ${DB_HOME}/driver/conf/spark-branch.conf > $driver_conf

echo " // Authenticate">> $driver_conf

echo " \"spark.authenticate\" = true" >> $driver_conf
echo " \"spark.authenticate.secret\" = \"$sasl_secret\"" >> $driver_conf

echo " // Configure AES encryption">> $driver_conf
echo " \"\" = true" >> $driver_conf
echo " \"\" = false" >> $driver_conf

echo " // Configure SSL">> $driver_conf

echo " \"spark.ssl.enabled\" = true" >> $driver_conf
echo " \"spark.ssl.keyPassword\" = \"$keystore_password\"" >> $driver_conf
echo " \"spark.ssl.keyStore\" = \"$keystore_file\"" >> $driver_conf
echo " \"spark.ssl.keyStorePassword\" = \"$keystore_password\"" >> $driver_conf
echo " \"spark.ssl.protocol\" = \"TLSv1.2\"" >> $driver_conf
echo " \"spark.ssl.standalone.enabled\" = true" >> $driver_conf
echo " \"spark.ssl.ui.enabled\" = true" >> $driver_conf
echo " }" >> $driver_conf

mv $driver_conf ${DB_HOME}/driver/conf/spark-branch.conf


#azure-databricks #spark #encryption #security #node

Azure data bricks node to node communication encryption
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