GitHub Actions gives you the power to automate your workflow. Connect with the tools you know and love. Have more freedom to innovate and be creative. Deploy to any cloud, build containers, automate messages, and lots more. It’s time to take control.

There’s lots of amazing Actions built every day. We spoke to some of the coolest developers building the latest Actions. We recently shared Eddie’s story. This week we have Stefan Zweifel. He’s the man behind an awesome Action to detect file changes during a workflow run. Here we share some of Stefan’s story and some great insights into his GitHub Action.

Why GitHub Actions?

Stefan is a Full Stack Developer. He works in PHP, Laravel, and Vue JS. He’s had ideas for CI/CD tools for a number of years. Three years ago however, these services weren’t widely available. They also were not as easy to understand:

The available services back then weren’t as flexible and easy to understand as GitHub Actions is today.

When GitHub Actions was first announced, Stefan immediately started working on his Action. He thought he could build something awesome. He did, and it worked! Stefan even wrote a blog post on GitHub Actions and how PHP developers could use his Action. So let’s take a look at Stefan’s Action.

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GitHub Action Hero: Stefan Zweifel and "git-auto-commit"
1.40 GEEK