In this tutorial, we’ll build a web application with Angular 9. Meanwhile, we’ll learn about the fundamental concepts which you will need to know to do front-end web development with Angular, such as:

components, pipes, directives, services, and modules,
component communication via @Input and @Output decorators,
displaying data via interpolation and the ngFor/ngIf directives,
property and event bindings,
accessing the DOM,
getting and submitting user input with Angular forms,
sending HTTP requests with Angular HttpClient and RxJS Observables and operators,
styling with CSS and ngClass and ngStyle directives,
building production bundles and deploying to Firebase.

We’ll use the online StackBlitz IDE, so head over there, register a new account using GitHub and START A NEW APP then choose the Angular workspace.

#angular #angular9

Angular 9 Basics Tutorial by Example for Beginners
2.55 GEEK