I’m excited to share the Azure Cosmos DB Repository .NET SDK. It’s an unofficial SDK that wraps the official Azure Cosmos .NET SDK. The Repository Pattern is a useful abstraction between your application’s data and the business logic layer. This has been a passion project of mine for a long time, dating four years back to “Document DB”!

**Just another tool **🔧

This is not a replacement of the existing Azure Cosmos DB .NET SDK. Instead, it’s another tool in your developer toolbox.

The repository SDK is currently being used in production for The .NET Docs Show as part of .NET Live TV, and is open-source on GitHub:

☑ https://github.com/IEvangelist/DotNetDocs.Show

While implementing the Repository Pattern, the SDK simplifies the consumption of Azure Cosmos DB by abstracting away some of the underlying complexities of the existing .NET SDK. There are always tradeoffs that you must consider. The repository SDK has a much smaller API surface area and is easier to get started with, whereas the proper SDK has many more capabilities and a much larger API surface area to learn.

The repository SDK exposes all the common data access operations (CRUD) you’d expect to find in a modern, generic Repository Pattern-based interface.

  • Create
  • Read
  • Update
  • Delete
public interface IRepository<TItem> where TItem : Item
    // Create
    ValueTask<TItem> CreateAsync(TItem value);
    Task<TItem[]> CreateAsync(IEnumerable values);

    // Read
    ValueTask<TItem> GetAsync(string id);
    ValueTask<IEnumerable<TItem>> GetAsync(
        Expression<Func<TItem, bool>> predicate);

    // Update
    ValueTask<TItem> UpdateAsync(TItem value);

    // Delete
    ValueTask DeleteAsync(TItem value);
    ValueTask DeleteAsync(string id);

You may have noticed the generic type constraint of Item. The Item object is a required base class, which automatically assigns a globally unique identifier (GUID) and manages partitioning. By targeting .NET Standard 2.0, the SDK can be consumed by any supported .NET implementation that aligns with .NET Standard 2.0. The SDK follows the common nomenclature and naming conventions established by .NET and supports configuration and dependency injection.

#announcements #core (sql) api #.net #appdev #azure cosmos db

Azure Cosmos DB Repository .NET SDK v.1.0.4
1.60 GEEK