What is Serverless? If you are really new to Serverless, here’s my previous article about  Serverless Architecture. Today we are going to create a simple CRUD application using Serverless framework with NodeJS and AWS.

Environment Setup

First of all, let’s install Serverless. To install run the command below.

**npm install -g serverless**

Now we have to configure our credentials. We can do it by executing the following command.

**serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <aws access key> --secret <aws secret key> --profile osusara**

So I’m going to use AWS as my provider. When we creating an IAM user in AWS, we can get the Access Key and Secret Key. We have to include them here as well. Then the--profile part is not a must. We can give a profile name to our configuration. If we didn’t put a profile, it will be the default profile.

For more details, here’s the Serverless  Getting Started guide and  AWS Config Credentials reference.

#dynamodb #aws #nodejs #serverless #serverless-framework

Getting Started with Serverless Framework
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