I show ten visual animations of PyCharm IDE for creating a new project or enhancing an existing project.

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PyCharm lists some of my projects.

I am a visual learner. I learn quickly and remember longer if you show me how to do something with a visual animation rather than describe it with text. Enclosed, you find ten visual animations of PyCharm to create a new project or enhance an existing project.


We use Python predominately (90%) over the last seven years because:

  • Almost all new machine learning models, cloud, GPUs, and many other platforms are available as a Python package.
  • The assortment and number of free codes and packages are the largest we have seen.
  • Native Python is slower than C by 20+ times, but almost all Python packages are near C speed as they are thin APIs over CPython or use some other performance-enhancing technique.

I discuss only Python-related IDEs for the rest of this blog article.

  • Create a project from the local file system
  • Create a project from a Github Repo
  • Configure a virtual environment (Docker) as the Python interpreter for a project
  • Configure Jupyter for a project
  • Show Documentation on Mouse Move
  • Managing Plugins
  • Choosing a Testing Framework
  • Configuring Documentation Style for a Project
  • Configuring Snippets to Line-of-Code Completions for a Project
  • Adding External Tools: Formatting using Black

#development #visualization #visual-studio #python #programming

Ten PyCharm Features for Python Projects
2.20 GEEK